Shipping information

Within Germany & Austria

We charge 5.99 euros per order for shipping within Germany & Austria. From a gross order value of 175 euros we ship free of charge.

Delivery time: approx. 2 to 4 working days

Shipping is by DHL (tracking number included)

The prices stated on the product pages include VAT and other price components.

We also ship to a DHL post office or Packstation.
If you would like to send your shipment to a DHL Packstation, please enter your address as follows:

In Europe

We charge €13.99 per order for shipping to the following EU countries.

Delivery time: approx. 2 to 8 working days

Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden


In other EU countries, we ship to Switzerland, Norway and Great Britain. We charge 19.99 euros gross per order.

Delivery time: approx. 3 to 9 working days

Information on customs duties:

Please note that additional customs fees, taxes and duties may apply for deliveries to non-EU countries. These fees are charged by the shipping service provider and are not included in the shipping price. The customer is responsible for paying these additional charges.

We do not pay any customs duties, import sales tax or other charges that may arise in connection with imports into non-EU countries. Please contact the relevant customs authorities in advance to find out about possible costs and formalities.

By placing an order, you agree to pay all applicable customs duties, taxes and charges.


Important notes

  • Express delivery is not possible.
  • Despite all care, damage may occur during transportation. Please note the following procedure: Transport damage must be reported to the supplier immediately upon receipt of the goods. You must then inform us of any transport damage found. If in doubt, please do not accept the package! In this case, we will of course refund the damaged items free of charge. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
  • If you have ordered several items with different delivery times, please be patient. For reasons of sustainability, we will send your order together as soon as all items are available.